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The Ultimate Guide: How to keep flies away while camping?

Are flies ruining your camping experience? Learn how to keep flies away while camping and enjoy a bug-free adventure! Flies buzzing around can be a major annoyance, but fear not, we’ve got you covered.

In this guide, we’ll share practical tips and tricks to banish those pesky flies and reclaim your campsite. Say goodbye to incessant buzzing and unwanted visitors in your food.

Whether you’re a seasoned camper or just starting out, these simple and effective strategies will help you keep flies at bay. Get ready to discover the secrets of a fly-free camping experience. 

Let’s dive in and learn how to outsmart those pesky insects and make your next camping trip fly-tastic!

Main Summary: How to keep flies away while camping?

To keep flies away while camping, maintain a clean campsite, store food in sealed containers, use fly repellents, and set up fly traps. You will need to understand fly behavior and attraction, utilize natural repellents, set up protective barriers, and practice proper waste disposal.

Step by Step Guide: How to keep flies away while camping

View Expert Video from Outdoor Happens Homestead on How to keep flies away while camping

Understanding Flies and Their Attraction

The Pesky Problem of Flies

Flies, those annoying insects buzzing around, can quickly turn a peaceful camping trip into a frustrating experience. Understanding the behavior and attraction of flies is key to keeping them at bay during your outdoor adventures.

The Fascinating World of Flies

Flies belong to the order Diptera and are found in diverse habitats worldwide. These winged insects have a unique life cycle, starting as eggs laid in suitable breeding sites such as decaying organic matter. The larvae, known as maggots, feed on this organic material before pupating and eventually emerging as adult flies.

The Fly’s Sensory Superpowers

Flies possess extraordinary sensory abilities that guide their behavior. They are attracted to certain stimuli, including odors, moisture, heat, and visual cues. Flies are particularly drawn to food sources, garbage, and areas with standing water. By understanding what attracts flies, you can take effective measures to keep them away from your camping area.

Odor-based Attraction

Flies have a highly developed sense of smell, and certain odors act as powerful attractants. They are particularly drawn to the smell of decaying organic matter, such as food waste or animal feces. When camping, it’s crucial to properly store and dispose of any food waste or garbage, as these odors can quickly draw flies to your campsite.

Moisture and Heat

Flies are also attracted to areas with moisture and heat. This is why they are commonly found around bodies of water, sweaty clothing, or even your cooking area where steam is produced. Start making fire away from your campsite, as the smoke can help deter flies from gathering around. Additionally, eliminating or reducing sources of moisture and heat in your campsite can further help in deterring flies.

Visual Cues

Visual cues can play a role in attracting flies as well. They are often drawn to bright colors, shiny surfaces, or moving objects. This is why you might find flies buzzing around your brightly colored camping gear or reflective surfaces. Consider minimizing the use of vibrant colors or reflective materials in your campsite setup to reduce fly attraction.

Seasonal and Environmental Factors

The presence and behavior of flies can vary depending on the season and environmental conditions. Flies are more active during warmer months and in areas with abundant food sources. They can also be more prevalent near livestock or areas with high animal activity. Being aware of these factors can help you anticipate and prepare for potential fly problems during your camping trip.

Fly Breeding Sites

Flies reproduce rapidly, and their breeding sites can contribute to their attraction. They lay eggs in decaying organic matter, such as garbage, compost, or animal waste. It’s essential to set up your campsite away from these potential breeding grounds to minimize fly presence.

Additionally, practicing proper waste management and disposing of any organic waste far from your camping area will help deter flies from establishing breeding sites nearby.

Essential Camping Practices for Fly Prevention

To keep flies away during your camping adventure, it’s important to follow essential practices that discourage their presence. By implementing the following strategies, you can create a fly-free environment and enjoy a more pleasant camping experience:

Campsite Selection

Choosing the right campsite is the first step in fly prevention. Look for a location away from areas with standing water, garbage dumps, or animal facilities, as these can attract flies. Select a spot that is dry, well-drained, and preferably open to a gentle breeze, as flies are less likely to thrive in such conditions.

Campsite Cleanliness

Maintaining a clean campsite is crucial for fly prevention. Ensure that your cooking and eating areas are kept clean and free of food scraps or spills. Properly dispose of any food waste in sealed containers to prevent odors from attracting flies. Regularly clean your campsite, including picnic tables, utensils, and cooking equipment, to remove any residue that might attract flies.

Food Storage

Proper food storage is essential for preventing flies from being drawn to your campsite. Store all food items in airtight containers or coolers to prevent odors from spreading. Keep your coolers closed when not in use and avoid leaving any food out in the open. Consider using fly-proof mesh covers or tents to protect your food during meal preparation and while dining.

Waste Management

Effective waste management is critical for fly prevention. Dispose of all trash promptly in designated trash containers, ensuring that they are securely closed. If there are no trash receptacles available, store your garbage in sealed bags and take them with you when you leave the campsite.

Avoid leaving any organic waste, such as food scraps or leftovers, exposed to the environment as it can attract flies.

Using Protective Netting and Screens

Protective netting and screens can be invaluable in keeping flies at bay. Set up mesh screens around your camping area, including the entrance to your tent or RV. This will create a barrier that prevents flies from entering while still allowing fresh air to circulate.

Additionally, you can decorate your tent with colorful ribbons or fabric strips that can help deter flies. Consider using a screen house or dining tent where you can enjoy meals without flies becoming unwelcome guests.

Cleanliness and Hygiene

Maintaining personal cleanliness and hygiene practices can also deter flies. Wash your hands regularly, especially before handling food, to eliminate any odors that might attract flies. Use soap and water or hand sanitizers to keep your hands clean and free from any food residue. Encourage other campers in your group to follow proper hygiene practices as well.

Natural Repellents

Certain natural substances can act as fly repellents and help keep them away from your campsite. Citronella candles or torches, for example, emit a scent that flies find unpleasant. Burning these during the evening hours can create a barrier that discourages flies from approaching. Other natural remedies like essential oils, such as eucalyptus or lavender, can also be applied to your skin or clothing to repel flies.

Physical Barriers

Using physical barriers can provide an additional layer of protection against flies. Consider setting up screened enclosures or tents for dining and relaxation areas to create a fly-free zone. Ensure that these enclosures are properly sealed and have no gaps or holes that flies can enter through.

Fly Swatters and Traps

Having fly swatters or traps at your campsite can be handy for immediate fly control. Fly swatters allow you to manually eliminate flies when they become a nuisance. Alternatively, you can set up fly traps around your campsite to attract and capture flies. Commercial traps or DIY traps using attractants like vinegar or fruit juice can be effective in reducing the fly population.

Natural Remedies and Repellents

To keep flies away during your camping adventure, it’s important to follow essential practices that discourage their presence. By implementing the following strategies, you can create a fly-free environment and enjoy a more pleasant camping experience:

Campsite Selection

Choosing the right campsite is the first step in fly prevention. Look for a location away from areas with standing water, garbage dumps, or animal facilities, as these can attract flies. Select a spot that is dry, well-drained, and preferably open to a gentle breeze, as flies are less likely to thrive in such conditions.

Campsite Cleanliness

Maintaining a clean campsite is crucial for fly prevention. Ensure that your cooking and eating areas are kept clean and free of food scraps or spills. Properly dispose of any food waste in sealed containers to prevent odors from attracting flies. Regularly clean your campsite, including picnic tables, utensils, and cooking equipment, to remove any residue that might attract flies.

Food Storage

Proper food storage is essential for preventing flies from being drawn to your campsite. Store all food items in airtight containers or coolers to prevent odors from spreading. Keep your coolers closed when not in use and avoid leaving any food out in the open. Consider using fly-proof mesh covers or tents to protect your food during meal preparation and while dining.

Waste Management

Effective waste management is critical for fly prevention. Dispose of all trash promptly in designated trash containers, ensuring that they are securely closed. If there are no trash receptacles available, store your garbage in sealed bags and take them with you when you leave the campsite. Avoid leaving any organic waste, such as food scraps or leftovers, exposed to the environment as it can attract flies.

Using Protective Netting and Screens

Protective netting and screens can be invaluable in keeping flies at bay. Set up mesh screens around your camping area, including the entrance to your tent or RV. This will create a barrier that prevents flies from entering while still allowing fresh air to circulate. Consider using a screen house or dining tent where you can enjoy meals without flies becoming unwelcome guests.

Cleanliness and Hygiene

Maintaining personal cleanliness and hygiene practices can also deter flies. Wash your hands regularly, especially before handling food, to eliminate any odors that might attract flies. Use soap and water or hand sanitizers to keep your hands clean and free from any food residue. Encourage other campers in your group to follow proper hygiene practices as well.

Natural Repellents

Certain natural substances can act as fly repellents and help keep them away from your campsite. Citronella candles or torches, for example, emit a scent that flies find unpleasant. Burning these during the evening hours can create a barrier that discourages flies from approaching. Other natural remedies like essential oils, such as eucalyptus or lavender, can also be applied to your skin or clothing to repel flies.

Physical Barriers

Using physical barriers can provide an additional layer of protection against flies. Consider setting up screened enclosures or tents for dining and relaxation areas to create a fly-free zone. Ensure that these enclosures are properly sealed and have no gaps or holes that flies can enter through.

Fly Swatters and Traps

Having fly swatters or traps at your campsite can be handy for immediate fly control. Fly swatters allow you to manually eliminate flies when they become a nuisance. Alternatively, you can set up fly traps around your campsite to attract and capture flies. Commercial traps or DIY traps using attractants like vinegar or fruit juice can be effective in reducing the fly population.

Natural Remedies and Repellents

Choosing the Right Campsite

When it comes to keeping flies away while camping, selecting the right campsite can make a significant difference. Look for an area that is away from stagnant water sources, garbage bins, and animal waste, as these attract flies. A dry and well-ventilated location with a gentle breeze can help discourage flies from settling in your camping area.

Keep it Clean

Maintaining cleanliness is crucial in preventing flies from becoming a nuisance. Before setting up your camp, clear the area of any trash or food debris left by previous campers. Flies are attracted to the smell of food, so a clean campsite is less likely to draw their attention. Remember to dispose of garbage properly in sealed containers to further minimize fly attraction.

Minimize Standing Water

Flies are notorious for breeding in standing water. To reduce their population and prevent infestations, eliminate any sources of stagnant water around your campsite. Check for puddles, overturned containers, or poorly drained areas and take necessary steps to remove or dry them out. This simple action can significantly reduce the number of flies buzzing around your camp.

Avoid Sweet-Smelling Fragrances

Flies are attracted to sweet smells, including perfumes, scented lotions, and fragrant body products. When camping, it’s best to avoid using heavily scented personal care items. Opt for unscented or lightly scented products to minimize attracting flies to your campsite. Additionally, avoid using sweet-smelling candles or air fresheners as they can also attract flies.

Set Up a Cooking Area Away from Sleeping Areas

One effective way to keep flies away is by setting up a designated cooking area away from sleeping areas. Flies are particularly attracted to the smell of food, so keeping your cooking area separate can help prevent them from entering your sleeping quarters. Consider using a camping stove or grill that allows you to cook meals away from your sleeping tent or camper.

Use Natural Barriers

Nature provides its own barriers against flies. Consider setting up your camp near naturally occurring fly deterrents, such as fragrant herbs like mint, basil, or rosemary. Flies tend to dislike the strong scents of these plants and may be deterred from coming near your campsite. Additionally, you can create a perimeter around your camp using citronella torches or candles, as the scent of citronella acts as a natural repellent for flies.

Avoid Bright Colors and Floral Prints

Flies are attracted to bright colors and floral prints, as they resemble flowers and nectar. When choosing your camping gear and clothing, opt for neutral colors and solid prints to minimize fly attraction. This simple step can help reduce the number of flies that are initially drawn to your campsite.

Keep Food Covered and Sealed

Proper food storage is essential in preventing flies from swarming around your campsite. Keep all food items tightly sealed in containers or resealable bags. Consider using coolers with secure lids or hanging food bags from tree branches to keep them elevated and out of reach of flies. Avoid leaving food uncovered for extended periods, especially during meal times, as the smell will attract flies.

Keep Trash Sealed and Away

Flies are attracted to garbage and waste. Ensure that your trash is securely sealed in trash bags and placed in sturdy containers with tight-fitting lids. Keep these containers away from your camping area, preferably downwind, to prevent flies from being drawn to the scent. Regularly empty the trash containers to maintain a fly-free campsite.

Dealing with Persistent Fly Problems

Fly Traps and Sticky Strips

If you’re dealing with persistent fly problems at your campsite, it’s time to take proactive measures. One effective method is to set up fly traps or sticky strips around your camping area. These traps use enticing scents or sticky surfaces to attract and capture flies. Place them strategically, away from your main activity areas but near fly hotspots, such as garbage bins or cooking areas. Regularly check and replace the traps as needed to maintain their effectiveness.

Natural Fly Repellents

There are several natural repellents you can use to deter flies from your campsite. Essential oils like peppermint, eucalyptus, and lavender are known to repel flies due to their strong scents. Dilute a few drops of these oils in water and spray the mixture around your camping area or apply it to a cloth and hang it nearby. You can also create homemade fly repellent sachets by filling small fabric bags with dried herbs like lavender, mint, or bay leaves. Place these sachets in your tent, around your picnic area, or near entry points to ward off flies.

Citronella Candles and Torches

Citronella candles and torches are popular for repelling insects, including flies. The strong scent of citronella acts as a deterrent, keeping flies at bay. Light a few citronella candles or torches around your campsite to create a fly-repelling barrier. These can be especially useful during the evening when flies tend to be more active. Remember to follow safety precautions when using open flames and never leave them unattended.

Fly Screens and Netting

Another effective way to deal with persistent fly problems is by using fly screens and netting. If you’re camping in an area with a high concentration of flies, consider investing in a quality camping tent or camper with built-in fly screens. These screens allow for ventilation while keeping flies and other insects out.

You can also attach netting or mesh screens to windows, doors, and openings to prevent flies from entering your sleeping and dining areas. This physical barrier can significantly reduce fly intrusions.

Proper Waste Disposal

To tackle persistent fly problems, it’s crucial to maintain proper waste disposal practices. Double-check that all garbage bags are tightly sealed and stored in containers with secure lids. Avoid leaving any food scraps or waste exposed outside your camping area, as this will attract flies. If available, use designated trash receptacles or disposal facilities provided by the campground. By minimizing the availability of food sources, you can discourage flies from congregating around your campsite.

Fans and Ventilation

Flies are not fond of strong air currents, so utilizing fans and proper ventilation can help keep them away. Set up portable battery-operated fans or use a camper’s built-in ventilation system to create a constant airflow in your camping area. This not only keeps you cool during hot weather but also makes it less appealing for flies to settle. Consider pointing the fans towards seating and dining areas to create a fly-free zone where you can relax and enjoy your meals.

Professional Pest Control Products

In severe cases of persistent fly problems, you may need to resort to professional pest control products. There are insecticides and fly control sprays specifically designed for outdoor use. These products are formulated to effectively repel and eliminate flies. Follow the instructions carefully and apply the products according to the recommended dosage and application methods

Be cautious when using chemical-based products and ensure they are safe for use in your camping environment.

Additional Tips and Tricks

Maintain Cleanliness and Hygiene

Flies are attracted to unclean and unsanitary environments, so it’s essential to maintain cleanliness and hygiene at your campsite. Clean up any spills or food debris immediately, and regularly sanitize your cooking utensils, dishes, and food preparation surfaces. Dispose of garbage properly and ensure that it is sealed tightly. By keeping your campsite clean, you minimize the factors that attract flies and create an environment that is less appealing to them.

Avoid Strong Fragrances and Perfumes

Flies are often attracted to strong fragrances, including perfumes, lotions, and scented body products. While it’s tempting to use these products while camping, they can inadvertently attract flies. Opt for unscented or lightly scented personal care items to reduce the chances of attracting flies. Additionally, avoid using strong-smelling cleaning products or air fresheners in your camping area, as these can also attract flies.

Cover Food and Drinks

One of the primary reasons flies are attracted to campsites is the presence of exposed food and drinks. To prevent flies from swarming your meals, always cover your food and drinks when they are not being consumed. Use food covers, mesh nets, or even simple foil or plastic wrap to create a protective barrier. This practice not only keeps flies away but also helps prevent contamination and keeps your food fresh.

Utilize Natural Fly Deterrents

Flies are known to dislike certain natural scents and substances. Take advantage of this by strategically placing natural fly deterrents around your campsite. Some effective options include placing sliced lemons or cloves in bowls of water and leaving them around your camping area. The citrus scent of lemons and the pungent aroma of cloves act as natural fly repellents. You can also try hanging bundles of dried herbs, such as mint or basil, in your cooking area or near your picnic spot.

Opt for Light-Colored Clothing

Believe it or not, the color of your clothing can influence the attraction of flies. Flies are often attracted to dark colors, especially black. When camping, opt for light-colored clothing, such as white or pastel shades, to reduce the likelihood of flies being drawn to you. Light colors reflect light and heat, making you less appealing to these pesky insects.

Create Distractions

Sometimes, the best way to keep flies away is by creating distractions that divert their attention elsewhere. Set up a fly trap or a bowl of sweet fruit juice away from your camping area to lure the flies away from your main activity spots. You can also hang colorful and shiny objects, such as CDs or reflective tape, around your campsite. The movement and reflections will confuse and deter flies from settling nearby.

Consider Natural Predators

Nature provides its own pest control mechanisms, and some animals are natural predators of flies. For example, certain species of birds, such as swallows or flycatchers, feed on flies. If your campsite is in an area where these birds are present, encourage their presence by providing birdhouses or bird feeders. Their presence can help naturally reduce the fly population around your campsite.

Stay Upwind from Fly-Attracting Areas

Flies are often found in areas where there is a strong smell or where decaying matter is present. When selecting your campsite, try to position yourself upwind from potential fly-attracting areas, such as stagnant water sources, trash bins, or livestock areas. By positioning yourself upwind, you reduce the chances of flies being blown towards your campsite by the wind.

Share Tips and Strategies with Fellow Campers

Camping is a communal experience, and chances are, if you’re dealing with fly problems, others might be facing the same issue. Share your tips and strategies for keeping flies away with fellow campers. By exchanging ideas and knowledge, you can collectively work towards creating a fly-free environment for everyone to enjoy.


Camping is a wonderful way to connect with nature and enjoy the great outdoors. However, pesky flies can sometimes become unwelcome guests and disrupt the serenity of your camping experience.

Understanding the behavior of flies and their attraction to certain environments is the first step in effectively keeping them at bay. By implementing essential camping practices, such as proper waste management and maintaining a clean campsite, you can minimize fly encounters. Additionally, natural remedies and repellents, like essential oils and fly traps, offer effective and eco-friendly solutions.

Remember to consider campsite selection, deal with persistent fly problems proactively, and utilize additional tips and tricks, such as creating distractions and wearing light-colored clothing. With these strategies in place, you can enjoy a fly-free camping adventure and fully immerse yourself in the beauty of nature. Happy camping!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do flies become attracted to camping areas?

Flies are attracted to camping areas due to various factors such as food, waste, and odors. They are particularly drawn to the smell of food, garbage, and pet waste. Additionally, flies are attracted to stagnant water sources and areas with organic debris.

Are there any natural remedies to repel flies while camping?

Yes, there are several natural remedies you can use to repel flies while camping. Some effective options include using essential oils like lavender, eucalyptus, or citronella, which flies find unpleasant. You can create a spray by diluting these oils with water and apply it to your skin or around your camping area.

Another natural method is to set up fly traps using apple cider vinegar or creating DIY fly repellent pouches using herbs like mint or basil.

Does the color of clothing attract flies?

Flies are generally attracted to dark or brightly colored clothing, as they find these shades more appealing. To minimize fly attraction, opt for light-colored clothing, which is less likely to draw their attention. Additionally, loose-fitting clothing that covers your skin can provide an extra barrier against flies.

Can citronella candles effectively repel flies?

Citronella candles are commonly used as a natural insect repellent, particularly for mosquitoes. While they may have some effect on repelling flies, their effectiveness may vary. Citronella candles work by emitting a scent that masks the odors that attract flies.

However, for stronger fly repellent properties, it is recommended to use a combination of citronella candles along with other methods such as fly traps or repellent sprays.

Are there any specific plants that repel flies?

Yes, there are several plants known for their fly-repellent properties. Some examples include lavender, basil, mint, rosemary, and marigold. These plants contain natural compounds or scents that flies find unpleasant, helping to deter them from your camping area.

Consider planting these plants around your campsite or using their leaves in pouches to enhance the fly-repelling effect.

Can I use natural homemade fly repellent sprays?

Yes, you can create your own natural fly repellent spray using ingredients commonly found in households. One popular recipe includes mixing equal parts of vinegar and water with a few drops of essential oils such as eucalyptus, peppermint, or lavender. You can spray this mixture around your campsite, on picnic tables, or directly on surfaces to deter flies.

Another option is to combine apple cider vinegar with dish soap and water to create a fly-trapping solution. Place this mixture in a bowl or jar covered with plastic wrap and poke small holes to attract and trap flies.

How often should I apply fly repellents while camping?

The frequency of applying fly repellents while camping may depend on various factors, such as the duration of your camping trip, the intensity of fly activity, and the type of repellent being used. It is generally recommended to follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer on the repellent product. Some repellents may need to be reapplied every few hours, especially if you are sweating or swimming, while others may provide longer-lasting protection.

Keep in mind that if you are using natural homemade repellents, their effectiveness may vary, and reapplication may be necessary more frequently. Observe the fly activity and assess the effectiveness of the repellent to determine when reapplication is needed.

Can ultrasonic devices repel flies while camping?

Ultrasonic devices claim to repel insects, including flies, by emitting high-frequency sound waves that are not audible to humans but are unpleasant to pests. However, the effectiveness of ultrasonic devices in repelling flies is still a subject of debate.

Some users report positive results, while others find them ineffective. It’s important to note that the range and effectiveness of these devices can vary, so it’s recommended to research and read reviews before investing in one.

How effective are fly traps in keeping flies away?

Fly traps can be highly effective in reducing the number of flies around your campsite. There are various types of fly traps available, including sticky traps, bait traps, and electric traps. Sticky traps use a sticky adhesive surface to trap flies, while bait traps attract flies with a lure or bait.

Electric traps use UV light to attract flies and then zap them. Consider using a combination of these traps strategically placed around your campsite to catch and reduce the fly population.

Can changing the campsite location help in avoiding flies?

Yes, changing your campsite location can make a difference in avoiding flies. Look for areas that are not near stagnant water sources or garbage bins, as these are common breeding grounds for flies. Choose a spot that is away from areas with high fly activity, such as open fields or livestock farms.

Additionally, camp in areas with a good breeze, as flies are less likely to be present in windy conditions. By selecting a suitable campsite location, you can minimize the presence of flies and have a more enjoyable camping experience.

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